Saturday, April 19, 2014

KESWICK ARENA - Sunday August 31, 1975

After a great night in Keswick, Ontario The Wildman
and The Wolfman posed for me for a few shots.
Willie Farkus and Dave McKigney
The Wildman and The Wolfman.
North American Champion Stan Stasiak in the
ring with Referee Wilf Jennings.
Stan getting ready for his battle against
Tony Parisi.
Stan giving an upper cut to Tony.
Tony gives Stan a hard right.
Wilf looks on as Stan and Tony have a showdown
Stan reacts to a blow from Tony
Stan pinching Tony
Stan is wishing for Tony to give in
Tony is able to take it
Stan trying to pin Tony
Wilf warns Stasiak just before getting hit.
Parisi wins by disqualification after Stasiak
hits Wilf.
Willie and Dave ready to take on Dewey
Robertson and Billy Red Lyons
Dewey and Billy
Willie and Dave growling 
The Wildman and The Wolfman end up pinning
Lyons to win the match.
Wilf trying to get the 10 Man Battle Royale  underway. Participants are Chris Tolos, Steve Bolus, Ron Doner, David Neven, Stan Stasiak, Tony Parisi, The Wolfman, The Wildman, Dewey Robertson and Billy Red Lyons.
Chris Tolos out of the ring, but not yet eliminated
Robertson having a problem with Wilf
Wilf, always the best ref
Wilf keeping control
All hell breaks lose
Tolos getting a shot at Doner as  Parisi
looks on.
Parisi has a head lock on Robertson who has a head lock on
Tolos, who......whatever!  
Bolus, Lyons and Robertson push up against Tolos,
The Wolfman, The Wildman and Stasiak.
Robertson grabs The Wildman, and then with
the help of Lyons, throw him out. 
Bolus was ganged up by The Wolfman and
Tolos, and tossed over the top rope.
Bolus is whisked away by Wilf
Tolos was drop kicked by Robertson,
and was the last to be eliminated. The winners were Robertson and Lyons who split the $1,000.00 purse. 

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