Monday, January 13, 2014

MAPLE LEAF GARDENS - Sunday March 14, 1976 / HAMILTON FORUM - Monday March 15, 1976

Bruno Sammartino W.W.F Champion interviewed before his
match against Killer Kowalski
Masked Killer Kowalski
Feat of strength
Bruno with a full nelson on Kowalski as referee
Tiger Tasker looks on
Ox Baker
Ox with ring announcer Norm Kimber on right.
Lord Athol Layton preparing to interview Sir Dudley Clements
at the old Hamilton Forum
Interview is for the Maple Leaf Wrestling television show
telecast on CHCH-TV in Hamilton, Ontario


  1. wow, thanks so much for everything you have posted recently !!

    1. Thank you. It is a bit time consuming, but I really love seeing this pictures again. Brings back a lot of great memories.
