Monday, April 11, 2011

LONDON ARENA - Wed. June 11, 1975

Stan Stasiak (North American Champion)  ready to
take on Tony Parisi.
Referee Wilf Jennings instructs Stan
Stan reacts angrily

Tony on the floor after being tossed out of the ring
Stan going after Tony
Back in the ring

Tony bloodied up after the match
The McGuire Twins take on Alofa and Sika,
The Islanders
Sika, on of The Islanders
Buzz Benson, the Announcer of the evening
Dave is ready for the Main Event against
The Sheik

The Sheik is all set 
Dave has a few words for Eddie
Dave turns the tables around

Eddie not too happy.

Dave and Eddie.
The Sheik looking kinda mad
Dave drop kicking The Sheik
The Sheik using a foreign object on Dave. 
Eddie going after Dave.
Chained to the post. 


  1. man just great pics , I used to enjoy your bulletin and its great you are posting all these shots for us fans , appreciate it !!

  2. These are awesome pictures. Cool to see some actual pics. Awesome to see Alofa and Sika, most likely Tongans (perhaps Samoan?). Incredible to have some action pics of the McGuire twins. Thank you or your time.

  3. These are awesome pictures. Cool to see some actual pics. Awesome to see Alofa and Sika, most likely Tongans (perhaps Samoan?). Incredible to have some action pics of the McGuire twins. Thank you or your time.
